The state of Oregon has passed SB 283 “A bill relating to exposure to radiation in schools in this state; and declaring an emergency” Sen.…
A very important bill regarding wireless safety in schools, declaring this issue an emergency, has been passed by the Oregon House and Senate! See info.…
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The effects of repeated WiFi exposure on human health have been widely debated. A recent study reviewed evidence from 23 controlled scientific studies which investigated…
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Father who blames school's wi-fi for 12-year-old daughter's list of 40 symptoms including rashes and itchy skin as he takes her out of lessons to…
Review: Biological and pathological effects of 2.45 GHz radiation on cells, fertility, brain, and behavior Read Article here
A mother claims a Wi-Fi allergy killed her daughter and is accusing an Oxfordshire school of failing to safeguard children against the physical effects of…
School districts, school boards and school medical health officers in Canada have been notified that Lloyd’s of London has now excluded any liability coverage for…