Two interview's available to download via Stop 5G GLOBAL Paul Seils interviews: Australian Barrister Ray Broomhall And Victor Leach radiation health physicist and atmospheric scientist Download here:
JANUARY 21, 2020 By Martine VriensDafna Tachover, Esq From the article: 'Crucially, the Turin court stated that the studies provided by the defense—which denied a…
Translated with From Sarah Martinenghi Gets cancer from using a mobile phone: Inail ordered to pay an annuity to the worker For 13 years,…
By : Phonegate Team • 7 Nov 2022 In a judgment dated November 2, 2022, the Court of Appeal of Turin confirmed the decision of the first instance,…
Children’s Health Defense is seeking plaintiffs for lawsuits challenging WiFi in schools, and cell towers and small cells in residential areas in an effort to…
RADIATION COURT CASE AGAINST BELGIUM AND THE EU STATE OF PLAY Our governments are harming us. The electromagnetic exposure limits in force in Europe amount…
Commission to Study The Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology New Hampshire commission report documents the conflicts of interest with the wireless industry…
Cellular Podcast, by Kevin Kunze (Director/Editor of 'Mobilize'), and Ellie Marks (California Brain Tumor Association) 4 episodes now available - can be downloaded.
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Shacktown neighborhood residents have filed new litigation against the city in relation to a Verizon cell tower at 877 South St.
By Brett Peveto/Indiana News Service October 2, 2022 'Evidentiary hearings are underway in a Washington, D.C., courtroom this week, to decide if a massive lawsuit…