Your utility company has informed you that your traditional meter needs to be replaced with a wireless/smart meter. You are concerned about the health and safety implications. Inform them you want the right to‘Opt Out.’   Action that may help.

Please consider making a donation to our charity to help pay towards further promotion material and campaign costs –  DONATE

EM Radiation Research Trust Infographic ‘Smartymeter,’ click on the links within the cartoon for information. Download here: 

Download and adapt the template cover letter for your own personal use or complete the non-consent forms and send to your local Council, MP, Energy Supplier etc with copies of the EM Radiation Research Trust (RRT) 18th September, 17th October and 6th December 2023 letters.  See details below.

EM Radiation Research Trust letters sent to the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero on 18th September, 17th October and 6th December 2023:  

  1. 18th September 2023
  2. 17th October 2023:
  3. 2nd February 2024: EM Radiation Research Trust Complaint Against Channel 5 episode ‘Smart Meters Should You Get One?’ – Radiation Research
  4. 8th August 2024:  Eileen O’Connor, Director EM Radiation Research Trust – How to fight Smart Meters

Instructions, Non-Consent Forms, Template Letter, Certificate of Responsibility, Statement of Accountability and Doctors Letter regarding electrosensitivity: 

  1. Instructions & Cover Letter: Smart Meter Action Template
  2. Cover letter download here: Smart Meter Action Template Letter 
  3. EM Radiation Research Trust non-consent forms
  4. Statement-of-Accountability
  5. Certificate of Responsibility (add Smart Meter to the list)
  6. Letter written by GP regarding EHS

Information received from Government and Freedom of information

  1. 17th November 2023 Response received from Lord Callanan to The Rt Hon Bill Esterson MP following correspondence from Eileen O’Connor, Director for the EM Radiation Research Trust
  2. 6th October 2023 The Government does not hold information on liability!
  3. 3rd October 2023 Smart meters are not mandatory confirmed by Department of Energy Security and Net Zero.

Create awareness:

Roman Shapoval interview with Eileen O’Connor – How to Fight Smart Meters.  Success strategies by Eileen O’Connor, founder of Radiation Research Trust 

Richard Vobes review of the first RRT letter A Complaint because they are dangerous!

Richard Vobes interview with EM Radiation Research Trust Director Eileen O’Connor  – The Government do not know who’s liable!

EM Radiation Research Trust ‘Smart Meters Smarter Practices Report‘ hand delivered to Number 10 Downing Street and the European Parliament:

Smart Meter news:

The International Declaration on the Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age

Nigel Farage: ‘DON’T get a smart meter!’ #NigelFarage #SmartMeter #GBNews

Smart Meters surveillance device spying on your home:

French court orders removal of man’s smart meter:

Furious Channel 5 viewers vow ‘never’ to get a smart meter after ‘spying’ claims

How to remove smart meters: tools + tactics by Roman S Shapoval: 

EM Radiation Research Trust complaint against Channel 5 episode on smart meters: 

Overview: Fire and Electrical Hazards from  Smart Meters, Wireless, PLC, and Digital Utility Meters – 50 page report:

“PG&E Knows ‘smart meters’ Catch Fire” – Meter Reader

Does New Smart Meter Cause House Fires

Activists Want Smart Meters Gone, Say They’re Bad for Health

Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity, Pulses and Health Free E-Book, 242 pages. Translated into English from   Norwegian:

The Epic Saga of a Smart Meter Opt-Out: