The EM Radiation Research Trust (RRT) are concerned to hear that the taxpayer is now funding a government scheme to install phone masts throughout the UK including Areas of Outstanding National Beauty and National Parks without informed consent.
Download the RRT letter sent on 11th February for the attention of Sir Christopher John Bryant MP Minister of State for Data Protection and Telecoms📌
CALL TO ACTION 👉 Email your MP or post a copy of the EM Radiation Research Trust Letter to Sir Chris Bryant MP with a request for a response to the RRT February 2025 letter calling on the Minister of State for Data Protection and Telecoms to respond to concerns raised about health or data protection.
📌Download link or print and send copy of RRT letter and sent to your MP 👉 EM Radiation Research Trust Letter to Sir Chris Bryant MP
📌 Include an introduction to the RRT letter. Here is an example: Template letter to MP on Phone Masts
📌  Contact details for your MP
📌 Copy Telecom Minister Sir Chris Bryant MP Contact details here: Members of Parliament UK Sir Christopher John Bryant MPÂ
Further News/Government information reports about the use of taxpayer funds for phone masts 👇
‘On 30th January a taxpayer-funded mast was switched on as part of a £184m government scheme.  This is one of 30 Government-funded masts being switched on as part of the ‘Shared Rural Network’ scheme.’ 👀
📌UK government’s 4G rollout signals end of mobile blackspots in rural Wales  First of 86 4G masts have been switched on in Wales this month, benefitting residents, tourists, and business owners.
📌 Government upgrade delivers new 4G coverage in Monmouthshire ‘The UK government is investing around £500 million into the Shared Rural Network, including £184 million to upgrade Extended Area Service (EAS) masts to provide coverage from all four mobile operators. Currently, commercial coverage from EAS masts is only available from EE – the operator responsible for the Emergency Services Network. The remaining government funding will go towards eliminating total ‘not spots’, places where there is no coverage from any mobile operator.’
📌Government-funded mobile phone mast upgrades hits 30 sites
📌 Signal boost across countryside as taxpayer-funded phone mast switched on