Sent Via Email from Eileen O’Connor, Director EM Radiation Research Trust Charity
Dear Council Officials and Interested Parties,
I have included expert advisors and colleagues in this email to provide transparency following the mention of their work or research contained within both EM Radiation Research Trust letters.
Sefton Council’s consultation on Digital Strategy 2024 – 2027 – Review and Observations following Sefton Council’s Public Engagement and Consultation Meeting 3rd June 2024
Health and Safety & Fire Risks concerns regarding the rollout of 5G, phone masts, and the Internet of Things.
I would like to respond following Monday 3rd June 2024 meeting at Magdalen House regarding Sefton Council’s Public Engagement and Consultation Panel discussion on a number of proposals for the local community which included a new digital strategy for the rollout of 5G and the Internet of Things.
I originally sent a request to the council asking to speak along with a letter highlighting a selection of published research, court cases and a Freedom of Information request in connection with liability insurance held by the council for claims directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from electromagnetic fields/wireless RF radiation, microwave radiation. Copy of my original letter is now available to download from the EM Radiation Research Trust website:
Jayne Vincent Consultation and Engagement Lead, Sefton Council provided details of the Terms of Reference for The Public Engagement and Consultation Panel (Quality Assurance) which clearly highlights the purpose of the panel: “To improve the way we speak with, listen, and involve people in engagement and consultation activity throughout the Borough and identify opportunities to share good practice.” My request to speak was denied by the Chair of the Panel Cllr Dowd with an invitation to attend as an observer only. I thought Cllr Dowd’s decision was a contradiction to the Terms of Reference. A local concerned citizen Maria Walsh also attended the meeting and presented a response she had received directly from Sefton Council following a Freedom of Information request that states that members of the public are allowed the opportunity to ask Cabinet Members questions. I was shocked to discover that Sefton Council’s Freedom of Information response contradicted Cllr Dowd’s decision to allow us to attend as observers only.
I would like to reflect on key points during the panel discussion with partner agencies who are carrying out consultations with the public.
The Liverpool Echo reported on the meeting with the headline ‘5G radiation’ campaigners told ‘this is not the place’ the article claims campaigners continually disrupted the meeting. This is a misrepresentation. Although, the Echo did mention the freedom of information request which confirmed the possibility of raising questions.
I raised concerns for the Riverside project in Ainsdale after hearing about the introduction of a sensory room for autistic adults and children with research to be conducted by Hope University. I would like to know about the wireless technology for the building and sensory room and would also like to know about the research project by Hope University and its funding.
Sefton Council appear to be driving towards a wireless future without fully understanding or appreciating the risks associated with public health, wildlife, the environment including fire risks associated with this technology. Families in Merseyside are currently being exposed to unsafe levels of pulsed electromagnetic radiation because of the masts, antennae and general radiofrequency radiation which is being escalated with Liverpool and Sefton Council’s introduction and addition of 5G and the Internet of Things.
Liverpool 5G created the LARGEST 5G Stand Alone network at street level in Europe. Project Information :
Sefton Council to work in partnership with the wider Liverpool City Region See points below from Sefton Councils Agenda: Sefton Digital Strategy Consultation
Page 7 • Continue to work in partnership with the wider Liverpool City Region on the deployment of next generation wireless technology to support the Smart Cities Programme including the deployment of 5G networks. • Explore opportunities to utilise new services such as Gov Wi-Fi to further enhance solutions for integrated working.”
Page 13 • Work in partnership with Health and Community care colleagues to deliver the Cheshire and Merseyside strategy for Digital Services across Integrated Care, including the delivery of a Shared Care Record. • Support the delivery of the Adult Social Care strategy including the implementation of the Technology Enabled Care Strategy.
I raised a couple questions during the panel meeting and during the private meeting with councillors and did not receive answers regarding research health and safety including fire hazards of phone masts. I would also like to receive information about the new building/development for vulnerable autistic people at Riverside following the mention of a sensory room and a research project. I therefore call for the release of information via a Freedom of Information request calling for the following information:
Download the full letter to continue reading and send your views to Sefton Council consultation. Details available within the EM Radiation Research Trust letter: Sefton Council’s Digital Strategy 2024 – 2027 – Review and Observations following Sefton Council’s Public Engagement and Consultation Meeting 3rd June 2024