September 2024
Photograph Eileen O’Connor, Director EM Radiation Research Trust (RRT) and the Great Barrie Trower
Barrie has now retired and wants to send his best wishes to everyone and asked me to make this photograph available.
Great seeing Barrie Trower today. Barrie is one of the Radiation Research Trust scientific advisors. He is a physicist and a microwave weapons expert having worked for the Royal Navy and the British Secret Service.
We talked about his concerns for the police force using Tetra technology and the powerful report he wrote on Tetra in September 2001 after he was commissioned by the Police Federation to write ‘The Tetra Report’.
Tetra: A Critical Overview into the Death of Officer Neil Dring – trower_on_dring
His concerns about addiction and the harm from mobile phones and especially for children.
His paper from zygote to foetus there is no hiding place from the electrically induced phase transition from 5G with its accompanying support and carrier waves
Barrie’s concerns for 5G and wifi and his talk at Exeter Phoenix
Eileen O’Connor
Charity Director for the EM Radiation Research Trust
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