➡️  Jun 18, 2018 Dr. Martin Blank, 1933-2018 Courageous Researcher: A Visionary with Fearless Honesty 

✝️ Obituary: Leading EMF expert Dr. Martin Blank, Ph.D

‘As a leading expert on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation, Dr. Blank was a strong advocate for the use of science to create a better and healthier world.

Dr. Blank published over 200 papers and reviews, authored numerous books, held appointments at eleven leading universities around the world and the US Office of Naval Research. He organized and led many meetings, including two World Congresses on Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, and he started the Gordon Research Conferences on Bioelectrochemistry. He has been Chairman of the Organic and Biological Division of the Electrochemical Society, President of the Bioelectrochemical Society, President of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, and has been on editorial boards of Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, and Electromagnetic Medicine and Biology. In 2014 his book, “Overpowered” (7 Stories Press), which summarized his findings regarding the potential dangers of electromagnetic radiation, was published. Through his work, Dr. Blank established himself as one of the strongest voices globally in the quest to better understand and regulate the health effects of electromagnetic fields.’

Mar 28, 2015   Powerful VIDEO: International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields, Martin Blank, PhD Spokesperson

 ‘Martin Blank, PhD of Columbia University representing 190 international scientists in an Appeal to the UN, UN Member States and the WHO on the risks of electromagnetic fields emitted by telecommunications and utility technologies. Cautioning strongly, Dr. Blank says, “The time to deal with the harmful biological and health effects is long overdue. To protect our children, ourselves and our ecosystem, we must reduce exposure by establishing more protective guidelines.” Video produced by National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy on behalf of international scientists and the Appeal Committee.’  https://emfscientist.org/


11-18-10.  Important presentation from the late Professor Martin Blank. He said: “The standards we have today are totally inadequate” 👉 “Cells react to EMF as harmful!”

Commonwealth Club

 Panel II – Martin Blank, PhD, Associate Professor, Columbia University, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics; Researcher in Biolelectromagnetics; Author of the BioInitiative Report’s (www.Bioinitiative.org) section on Stress Proteins; Editor of the journal Pathophysiology’s special issue on Electromagnetic Fields, March 2009; and Past President, Bioelectromagnetics Society.


Jul 2009  Cell Towers and Cancer Dr. Martin Blank Bioinitiative Report 

‘Dr. Martin Blank speaks about Cell phones, cell towers, the associated health effects that can lead to cancer. He also talks about how the cell phone industry has corrupted scientific studies. He is a contributor to the Bioinitiative report.’

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