We have now fully read the published data on the first of the pooled INTERPHONE results. Recent coverage in the Daily Mail, the Times, the…
The Radiation Research Trust (RRT) are leading supporters of the precautionary approach to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and as such advocate release of substantial research funds…
Publishing scientist and engineer, Dr Alvaro Salles gives a good and insightful interview on cell phones, their associated health risks, and how to reduce them.
"Mobile phone base stations do not increase the risk of childhood cancer, even if a child’s mother lived close to a mast when pregnant. That’s…
Dr Magda Havas explains a small study set up with 25 self-assessed ES participants and their reaction to a DECT base unit in a double…
World Health Organisation (WHO) - EM Database on epidemiological studies on mobile phone mast base stations, showing that 80% of published research showed health effects.…
In the "Earth and Environmental Science" section of the Institute of Physics Conference Series, the IOP have published a number of papers from both sides…
The International EMF Collaborative, an initiative involving concerned scientists and organisations world-wide, have posted a 7 page commentary on the recently released INTERPHONE results. First…
National Toxicology Program cell phone radiation studies 2016 NTP Report of Partial Findings (Rats) TR-595: NTP Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation (Rats) (Nov. 2018)…
Comments by Andrew Goldsworthy on a widely publicised paper by Arendash and co-workers that suggests that mobile phone radiation may cure Alzheimer's disease. I have…