Oct 29, 2014 'https://electrosensible-zone-blanche-ehs-film.com Explaining "Unexplained Illnesses": Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Gulf War Syndrome and Others…
Electromagnetic Fields: Health Effects Volume 662: debated on Tuesday 25 June 2019 Tonia Antoniazzi (Gower) (Lab) "I beg to move, That this House has considered…
Why ‘Smart’ Wireless Means We Are Dying Younger in Poorer Health and Endangering the Wellbeing of Our Children. The Diary of an Electrosensitive…
RIP Arthur Firstenberg, President for the Cellular Phone Task Force (1950- 2025) The EM Radiation Research Trust offers sincere condolences. 🙏 The only thing we can…
Powerful interview - Dr Carlos Sosa talks about electrosensitivity with Glynn Hughes of the EMF Health Academy February 2024 Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm9TLrgOnIc Dr. Carlos Sosa is…
'EMP VICTIMS: We are victims of electromagnetic pollution. Our European, national and local elected representatives, our health institutions and our doctors can no longer ignore…
Published Jan 24, 2025 Precursors Need to be Considered to Promote Recovery from Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance–Attributed to Electromagnetic Fields Magda Havas Abstract 'Exposure to radiofrequency…
Wireless Radiation Sickness Gets a New Name: ‘EMR Syndrome’ The OneName Project brought together people living with wireless radiation sickness, leading wireless radiation experts, safe…
PAPER: A mechanistic understanding of human magnetoreception validates the phenomenon of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) - open access Denis L. Henshaw & Alasdair Philips Received 26 Sep…
Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is not a disease, but a disabling environmental syndrome that can occur suddenly or progressively following exposure to electromagnetic radiation. 👉 https://rosalito.art/