News from INDIA One of the biggest worries flagged in Europe is that exposure to some of the frequencies used for 5G technology could possibly…
Here is a link to the letter of objection from Eileen O’Connor on behalf of the UK EM Radiation Research Trust Email for the attention…
No to the mast outside Great Crosby Primary School L23 2RD Ref: DC/2022/01546 Deadline to object 27/8/2022 Prior notification application for the installation of 1No.…
SCHEDULE OF REASONS FOR REFUSAL The proposed installation would by virtue of its height, appearance and location have an overbearing impact upon nearby residents to…
What You Need to Know about Wireless Technology by Arthur Firstenberg President, Cellular Phone Task Force First published September 2001 Revised August 2022 SOME BIOLOGICAL…
Frank Clegg challenges a Roger’s president Dean Prevost to show evidence that the radiation emitted by wireless 5G is safe because many peer reviewed scientific…
THE BIOINITIATIVE REPORT 2012 A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF) Updated 2014 - 2022 Henry Lai’s Research Summaries…
On Saturday, August 12, 2022, the associations Phonegate Alert, Robin des toits and ECERI challenged, before the competent administrative court, the modalities of the public consultation as well as…
A program of Grassroots Environmental Education 16th August 2022 On this edition of Green Street, Patti and Doug talk with renowned epidemiologist and author Dr.…
Local Government Lawyer, 17th August 2022 ‘The Upper Tribunal has ruled that a council must secure special educational provision for a child who has…