Whether cellphone use causes cancer is an ongoing question with, as yet, incomplete answers. But a new study may shed light on the subject with…
More suited to a sci-fi flick than reality, a startling epidemic of young people with smartphone-addled brains is on the rise, and the long-term consequences…
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Gro Harlem Brundtland very rarely uses a cell phone, contrary to the impression promoted by the Norwegian Minister of Health that she is no longer…
WASHINGTON — In June, two Texas cities asked the Supreme Court to decide a practical question and an abstract one, both concerning how quickly local…
Cell phone news, Miscellaneous by EMFacts Statement from Australian neurosurgeon Gautam (Vini) Khurana: “I believe that in the present decade, a significant increase in primary…
The women who say they are allergic to modern life: Blinding headaches. Violent sickness. Even blackouts. So could wi-fi, mobile phones and TV screens be…
Modern life is causing people to suffer dementia earlier than ever before, a study has found, with PCs, mobile phones, chemicals and electronic devices to…
Smart energy meters offered to every British home could be as dangerous as a "bullet from a rifle" because of the radiation they emit, campaigners…
Children as young as four are becoming so addicted to smartphones and iPads that they require psychological treatment. Experts have warned that parents who allow…