Brussels, Belgium and Rome Municipality XII are the latest European municipalities to act on wireless 5G. The government of Brussels, Belgium blocked raising wireless radiation…
After 4 students and 3 teachers were diagnosed with cancer within a 3-year period, Sprint has finally agreed to remove a cell tower at a…
OVER THE PAST couple of weeks, I've been reading The Uninhabitable Earth. The author, David Wallace-Wells, had me from his first sentence ("It is worse,…
Great news. A Belgian government minister has announced that Brussels is halting its 5G plans due to health effects. Read full article here:
PACE - UN - Human Rights Council - 5G statement PACE - UN - EMR contribution - References - Feb. 11th 2019
Portland city council request further studies regarding 5G safety. Read full article here
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You might have heard the term 5G being bandied about more lately and be wondering what it is and what it means for you. Read…
Rolling out high speed mobile phone coverage and internet to the forgotten corners of rural Britain will require at least 400,000 extra masts, many of…
U.S. Adviser, EM Radiation Research Trust Honorary Firefighter, San Diego Fire Department Medical Writer Download here: Letter against 5G