2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G…..

EM Radiation Research Trust MONSTER MAST Infographic download here: 👉 Monster Mast 


Reasons for concern 

Download template cover letters, complete the non-consent forms, and the 5G petition for planning departments, local Councils, MPs, landowners.

📌 Write to your MP & Minister for Data Protection and Telecoms Sir Christopher Bryant MP if you wish to raise concerns about Government-funded

📌 EM Radiation Research Trust letter and questions on 5G for Councillors the UK Government and UKHSA

📌 Book – THE MICROWAVE DELUSION The Diary of an Electrosensitive by Brian Stein CBE and Jonathan Mantle


Non-Consent Forms, Template Letters, Certificate of Responsibility, Statement of Accountability and Doctors Letter regarding electrosensitivity 
  1. Template objection letter written by RRT Scientific Advisor Dr Shirin Joseph. Objection to 5G template
  2. EM Radiation Research Trust call for a full investigation into the deaths of the two children at Millstead School The EM Radiation Research Trust calls for a full investigation into the deaths of the two young children at Millstead Primary School
  3. EM Radiation Research Trust non-consent forms
  4. Statement-of-Accountability
  5. Certificate of Responsibility
  6. Letter written by GP regarding EHS
  7. Phone Mast Fire Hazard Reports from around the world  Phone Mast & Smart Meter Fire Hazards
  8. How to Object Phone masts and How to Object
  9. Template Petition 5G Petition – Why is 5G Bad
  10. More information available via the EM Radiation Research Trust Call To Action section –
 Appeals and statements

📌 The International Declaration on Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age.  This Declaration calls for the protection of children from involuntary exposure to non-ionizing radiation (NIR).  This reports provides a large and growing body of independent, peer-reviewed scientific studies that demonstrated that man-made NIR has adverse biological effects.


📌 The EMF Call

📌 EMF Scientists appeal

📌 5G Appeal

The ICNIRP Guidelines 

 📌 2020 EM Radiation Research Trust (RRT) letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson calling on the UK Government to stop 5G.  The RRT received support from Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Dafna Tachover of the Children’s Health Defense (CHD), a US-based non-profit that seeks to protect children from harmful environmental exposures. Statement received directly from CHD: “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Chairman of CHD, and Dafna Tachover, Director of CHD’s 5G & Wireless Harms project support the UK EM Radiation Research Trust in their call on the UK Government to defend the rights and health of UK citizens and especially children from Big Telecom’s scheme to rollout 5G. The harms of radio-frequencies and microwave-based technologies have been proven scientifically and the harms are existing and widespread. We work daily with children who have been injured from this technology including from 5G small cell installations. The UK’s ICNIRP based guidelines, just like the US’s FCC, are decades obsolete and false. ICNIRP is an industry shell and its scientists are tainted as has been confirmed by Courts. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr calls on Prime Minister Boris Johnson and political leaders to protect those who have been harmed already by this radiation and prevent further harm. We must stop the uncontrolled proliferation of wireless technology and the on-going deployment of 5G, which will exponentially increase exposure to this harmful radiation and consequently, the sickness of children, adults and the ecosystem.” Download the letter here:

📌 A former ICNIRP member advocates that wireless must get a more stringent cancer risk class. Lin was a member of ICNIRP from 2004 to 2016. In an article in IEEE Microwave Magazine he points out that the NTP study found clear evidence between mobile phone radiation and cancer. Download the news item here:

📌 The advisory bodies such as Public Health England, ICNIRP and the now disbanded group AGNIR – Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation (AGNIR) provide inaccurate misleading advice offering guidelines that are invalid. Please read the important published paper by neuroscientist Dr Sarah Starkey:

 📌 Investigate Europe How Much is Safe 4 January 2019

 📌 Scientific evidence invalidates health assumptions underlying the FCC and ICNIRP exposure limit determinations for radiofrequency radiation implications for 5G

📌 Louis Slesin, Editor of Microwave News, a respected authority on bio-effects of non ionizing radiation issued a recent report about ICNIRP saying: “The Lies must stop’. Microwave News also called for ICNIRP to be disbanded and said “it’s time to clean the House”. The Radiation Research Trust joins Louis Slesin and the many voices throughout the world to call TIME on ICNIRP and on the WHO EMF Project this cannot go on, we must appoint a truly independent team of knowledgeable doctors and scientists.  Microwave News | Time to Clean House

 Avoiding problems for individuals with medical implants are beyond the scope of the guidelines

 👉 Page 3 –  ICNIRP 1998 guidelines:  “Compliance with the present guidelines may not necessarily preclude interference with, or effects on, medical devices such as metallic prostheses, cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators, and cochlear implants. Interference with pacemakers may occur at levels below the recommended reference levels. Advice on avoiding these problems is beyond the scope of the present document but is available elsewhere (UNEP/WHO/IRPA 1993). These guidelines will be periodically revised and updated as advances are made in identifying the adverse health effects of time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields.

👉 Page 2 – 2020 ICNIRP guidelines “Radiofrequency EMFs may also interfere with electrical equipment more generally (i.e., not only implantable medical equipment), which can affect health indirectly by causing equipment to malfunction. This is referred to as electromagnetic compatibility, and is outside the scope of these guidelines (for further information, see IEC 2014).

An ICNIRP ‘certificate of safety’ does not provide any level of protection for industry or government 

📌 ICNIRP Previous Chairman for ICNIRP Paolo Vecchia presented at the EM Radiation Research Trust conference in September 2008. In his presentation, he made it clear that: “the ICNIRP guidelines are neither mandatory prescriptions for safety, the “last word” on the issue nor are they defensive walls for Industry or others.”  slide number (16)

 Insurance Industry

📌 Swiss Re SONAR Emerging risk insights Report – June 2013 and 2019 Unforeseen consequences of electromagnetic fields Potential impact rated as HIGH. Concerns about potential implications for human health, in particular with regard to the use of mobile phones, power lines or antennas for broadcasting. Over the last decade, the spread of wireless devices has accelerated enormously. Off the leash 5G mobile networks – impact HIGH Ref:

 Legal information

📌 The UK ICNIRP guidelines along with the US guidelines are outdated and obsolete On Friday 13th August 2021 in the USA Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust successfully sued the FCC in a historic lawsuit against the FCC for ignoring 11,000 pages of scientific and medical evidence showing biological effects, so we can no longer rely on industry assurances of safety.

📌 Did you know there are two important legal cases in the UK seeking to assert our rights in regard to telecoms masts? Interested in finding out more?

📌 Queen’s Bench Division, High Court of Justice, London with campaigners successfully claiming against Brighton and Hove Council with Hutchison 3G as the interested party The Honourable Mr Justice Holgate overturned the local authority approval for the 5G mast to be sited close to a primary school. The ruling found that the Council “failed to address the health impacts” of the mast. The Council was ordered to pay the claimants costs to the agreed sum of £13,340. This finding has significant implications for all councils dealing with 5G applications, it means there is a legal responsibility to investigate effects on health. The ruling highlighted the fact that the council failed to address health impacts of the proposed mast and to obtain evidence of the assessment of the proximity to the school. Sitting and appearance, are also still a ‘material planning consideration’ under prior approval and must be given attention.

📌 A successful Italian court case confirmed mobile phone exposure caused a head tumour. The verdict highlights the fact that “ICNIRP is a private organisation whose guidelines on radio frequencies has great economic and strategic importance for the telecom industry, with several ICNIRP members having links through consultancy relationships and potential links with the industry and should therefore, refrain from assessing the health effects of radiofrequency levels. 5G is also mentioned, 5G is a slap on the face of democracy, of our data security, of our personal safety, with the risk of increase in exposure limits.” Download English Summary: here:

What about legal responsbility/insurance for landowners/householders?  

📌 Jun 22nd, 2022 – Court Ruling Brings Clarity to UK Telecoms Disputes Over Rents and Wayleaves

where rooftop sites on buildings are concerned, there can be issues of mobile kit impacting insurance, proximity of base stations to residents (safety), and the fact that the property owner has to keep the area repaired (potentially becoming liable if they fail to do so). A small annual payment may not be enough to cover such issues.’

👉 UK: Court Ruling Brings Clarity to UK Telecoms Disputes Over Rents and Wayleaves – ISPreview

📌 German court finds property owners can be liable for health impacts from base station antennas on their property

‘A German court has clarified in a lawsuit that property owners who rent space for base stations and mobile towers assume responsibility for health consequences of the activity. Although the radiation is lower than the relevant reference values from the authorities, this does not mean that the property owner is not responsible for negative health consequences. According to Björn Gillberg, the same responsibility principles also apply in Sweden.


📌More information available via the EM Radiation Research Trust Legal category


🔥 Secretary Kennedy Delivers Welcoming Remarks to HHS Staff ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION ON THE LIST TO BE SCRUTINIZED 

📌 Health Impact of 5G

📌 May 2004 – Westminster debate House of Commons debate with details about the cancer cluster surrounding the phone mast in Wishaw. 21 May 2004  Column 1248

📌 Mobile Phone Masts Debate  28 January 2004

📌 March 2001 –   Alan Meyer  lawyer Legal Director of Mast Action concerns raised about masts near schools 

👉 UK Parliament – Examination of Witnesses (Questions 36 – 39) 

📌 More information available via the EM Radiation Research Trust Political section

 Research and evidence

 📌 In 2011 members of IARC classified the entire RF/EMF spectrum as 2B Possible Human Carcinogen The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is a sub-group of the World Health Organization with its role to monitor and identify global causes of cancer. In 2011 members of IARC classified the entire RF/EMF spectrum as ‘2B Possible Human Carcinogen’ IARC with collective judgment found scientific consensus in reaching decision. The vote was nearly unanimous: 29 to 1.

Many doctors and scientists are now calling for an urgent upgrade the classification of RF – EMF from 2B to Group 1 (Known Carcinogen), the same category as tobacco. Dr Hardell stated unequivocally: “The agent is carcinogenic to humans.”

📌  Science on Health Risks of Cell Towers, 5G Exposure, Small Cell Densification and New Wireless Networks

📌 Electromagnetic Radiation & Wireless

📌 Safety of Wireless Technologies – The Scientific View” Says Chronic Disease Epidemic Was Predicted by U.S. Navy Research Over 50 Years Ago

📌 Research that has shown significant adverse health effects including four-fold increases in cancer for people living near masts that emit radiofrequency radiation. Here is a link to a list of peer-reviewed scientific studies of human health around mobile phone masts as of the end of 2020. Out of 33 studies, 32 report health problems.

📌 Five recently published case studies in Sweden are now demonstrating 5G rapidly caused harmful health effects. The key paragraph to note from the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation is:

“The ICNIRP limit protects only against immediate harmful effects due to heating. It does not protect against all adverse health effects that are not due to acute heating, i.e. when the radiation is so intense that it heats up the body within one hour.  This means that the ICNIRP limit does not protect against the symptoms of microwave syndrome, such as headaches, difficulty sleeping, cardiac effects, abnormal fatigue, etc. It lacks protection against cancer, neurological diseases and other chronic diseases resulting from prolonged exposure at levels lower than those that do not cause immediate heating.”

 📌 The BioInitiative Working Group • Bioeffects have clearly been established to occur with very low exposure (non-thermal levels) to electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency radiation according to many doctors and scientists. The BioInitiative Working Group reviewed thousands of peer reviewed scientific papers. This group of experts calls for the precautionary approach and urgent action due to chronic EMF-related diseases that are a potential risk for everyone. These diseases include adverse effects on the central nervous system, cancer, both initiating and promoting effects, impairments of certain brain functions, loss of memory and cognitive function, infertility, and immune dysfunction. •

📌 FREQUENCIES USED IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS Important book free to download from the late Professor Yuri G. Grigoriev

An Integrated Radiobiological Assessment Translated and adapted by the ORSAA* translation team

 📌 ICBE-EMF group called for a moratorium on 5G. • A peer-reviewed paper on October 18, 2022, presented a scientific case for revision of the ICNIRP limits. The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) challenged the safety of current wireless exposure limits to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and is calling for an independent evaluation. This new paper warns about the risks of exposure to radiation from 5G technology and claims that existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, outdated, and harmful to human health and wildlife. The ICBE-EMF group reports that exposure limits for RF radiation set by ICNIRP and the FCC are based on invalid assumptions and outdated science.

 📌 The Hampshire Report on Environmental and Health Effects on the impacts and safety of cell towers and wireless radiation. 5G final report.pdf

 📌 World Council for Health what is 5G

 📌 More information available via the EM Radiation Research Trust Research Section

 Video, films, interviews, presentations

 📌 EM Radiation Research Trust Conferences, Interviews and Seminars

 📌Book – THE MICROWAVE DELUSION The Diary of an Electrosensitive by Brian Stein CBE and Jonathan Mantle

📌 EM Radiation Research Trust Conferences, Interviews and Seminars

📌 September 2024 Eileen O’Connor’s powerpoint presentation for The Great Resist Event

📌  Richard Vobes interview with Karen Churchill and Steven Thomas to discuss the successes and difficulties in getting the dangerous 5G technology removed from our streets. Can we stop the roll out of 5G?

📌 Richard Vobes interview with Ian Jarvis discuss the worrying nature of 5G and how to approach local councils to object to them. What to do about 5G?

 📌  December 2023 –  American’s for Responsible Technology. The First International Webinar on Children in the Digital Age.  Download all presentations here:

📌 January 2023 Eileen O’Connor Guest Speaker for Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST)

📌 Eileen O’Connor Interview with Dr Sam Bailey:

📌 May, 2020 – Cancer, Cell Towers and 5G: Eileen O’Connor of Radiation Research Trust

📌 Dr Erica Mallery Blythe – Radiation Research Trust London 5G Conference

📌 September, 2019  – EM Radiation Research Trust Conference presentations featuring Prof Martin Pall, Prof Lennart Hardell, Dr Ron Melnick,  Dr Andrea Vornoli, Radiation Research Trust Chairman Brian Stein CBE, Dr Peter Ohnsorge, and Dr Erica Mallery Blythe – Radiation Health London – September 2019 

📌 Brian Stein “Glastonbury science symposium 2017” here

June 2015 Non-Ionising Radiation and Health Concerns Seminar, London – Professor Oleg A. Grigoriev Head of the Scientific Department of Non-Ionizing Radiation Federal Medical Biophysical Centre of Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia presented on the subject of “Electromagnetic pollution and reaction of the central nervous system.” Dr Victoria Alekseeva (Russia) presented on “Stages in the history of studying biological effect of electromagnetic fields in Russia for one hundred years” and Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, UK Emergency Medicine Doctor presented an “Introduction to non-ionising radiation, health concerns and misconceptions.”

📌 16th July 2015 – University of Liverpool, UK Discovering Cancer: From Grassroots to Global

Eileen O’Connor (UK) and Susan Foster (USA)

📌 2013 The following is a presentation given by Eileen O’Connor, Director of the UK’s Radiation Research Trust, at the European Commission EMF Stakeholder Dialogue Group in Brussels on February 20, 2013 Statement to EU Commission EMF Stakeholder Dialogue Group by Eileen O’Conner of UK’s Radiation Research Trust 

📌 VIDEO and PowerPoint slides: Commonwealth Club Program on Health Effects of Cell Phones, Wireless Technologies & Electromagnetic Fields With Leading Experts  📌The Seletun Scientific Statement

📌The Seletun Scientific Statement

📌 February 2009 – European Commission, Brussels, workshop on EMF and Healt February 2009, “Why people are worried about EMF: a UK perspective”  here 

📌 September 2008  – Radiation Research Trust Director Eileen O’Connor’s Welcome Speech Radiation Research Trust
Royal Society, London Conference,8th & 9th September, 2008 – Conference presentations available to download here: 

 Eileen’s welcome speech / View conference

📌 Documentary Resonance Beings of Frequency

📌 2006 – UK Health Protection Agency, London  “Base Stations and Health Concerns” – Download Presentation Information document

 📌  MONSTER MAST  👉  2007 Royal Society, London, “Eileen’s personal story containing details about the phone mast and cancer cluster in Wishaw”

Download Presentation

📌 Seriously Concerned Residents Against Masts (SCRAM) organised an event in Sutton Coldfield, inviting UK scientists from both sides of the debate in the UK to speak at a packed public meeting chaired by Andrew Mitchell MP. SCRAM Public Meeting, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands (2003)

5G poem. 5G, 5G, What Will That Mean for Me? 

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