The following website contains some powerful powerpoint presentations / documents written in English from the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.
Evidence on adverse biological effects on human cells from exposure to non-thermal radiation from mobile phones/masts frequencies.
For a selection of presentations/documents taken from the website, see below:
* [Children and Mobile Phones: The health of the following generation is in danger]
* [Russian Committee powerpoint presentation/guidelines]
* [Opinion of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection about the question of biological effects of electromagnetic fields of mobile phones]
* [Non-thermal biological effects of microwaves, current knowledge, further perspective and urgent needs]
Some crucial snippets from the presentations:
- It cannot be excluded that some part of population, such as children, pregnant women and groups of hypersensitive persons can be especially sensitive to Microwave exposures.
- Non-use of cell phones by children under the age of 16.
- Non-use of cell phones by pregnant women.
- Non-use of cell phones by persons suffering from neurological conditions or diseases, including neurasthenia or dysthymic disorders, mental disorders, neuroses, intellectual and memory impairment, sleep disorders, epilepsy, and epileptic predisposition.
- Children may represent most sensitive group to non-thermal effects of mobile telephony. Before this issue will be investigated, precautions should be taken in erection of base stations in vicinity of schools.
- Creation of zones that are free of mobile communication for hypersensitive to EMF should be considered.
- Long-lasting adverse effect on important cells of our immune system can have strong relationship with health risk from mobile telephony. In vitro studies indicate that the duration of exposure can be more important for non-thermal effects than intensity and therefore, effects of Microwaves from base stations on primary human cells should be studied.