Mobile phones in schools: Mandating a ban? Published Thursday, 21 November, 2024 Martin Beck 'Academic research suggests that mobile phones in schools can adversely affect pupils’…
TPR FEATURING BENJI POWER ( THE WARNING) 5G 👉 Liverpool The People’s Resistance (TPR)
VIDEO: by Ian Jarvis on HOW TO FIND NEW MAST APPLICATIONS IN YOUR AREA. Watch this excellent video by campaigner Ian Jarvis that walks and talks…
A STATUTORY NOTICE SHOULD BE FIXED TO EVERY MAST WITHIN 3 DAYS OF ITS INSTALLATION (according to Paragraph 75(2) of Part 11 of Schedule 3A of…
Who can object? The answer is ANYONE - here's more info "All members of the public are entitled to object to all planning applications and most other…
From POST UK 5G MAST APPLICATIONS THAT NEED OBJECTIONS HERE Useful info from a planning law blog: "MAKING AN OBJECTION -- "Your objection will have more effect if…
Advice from: POST UK 5G MAST APPLICATIONS THAT NEED OBJECTIONS HERE ANYONE CAN OBJECT! - Planners can ONLY take Appearance & Siting into consideration when deciding Telecom Mast…
To find out what masts are being planned in your area, go to your local Council Planning website regularly (daily, if you can) - Search…
New 5G Mast Application! Location: Rosehill Bowling Club Car Park, Angel Hill, Sutton SM1 3EH (Sutton Council) Here's the Link to the Application below: Important,…