From Birmingham City Council Eileen OConnor EM Radiation Research Trust Brian Stein CBE Chetwode House Leicester Road Melton Mowbray Leicestershire, LE13 1GAUK Application Number: 2023/07552/PA…
DEC 19, 2023 'It’s Christmas morning, and your kids are eager to open those colorful, bow-tied packages sitting under the tree. You hand them the…
2023 Dec 16 'Results: At the end of the experiment, results showed a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in sperm viability with alterations in the histology…
Nigel Farage: 'DON'T get a smart meter!' #NigelFarage #SmartMeter #GBNews
American's for Responsible Technology The First International Webinar on Children in the Digital Age 'Our first international webinar earlier this week was a great success!…
12/12/23 The lawsuit, filed today, could set an important legal precedent that would help people like Henry “Hank” Allen, who have electromagnetic sensitivity, fight back…
FEB 21, 2023 Alexia McKnight shares her testimony, today, on CHD.TV. After experiencing unexpected and unidentifiable symptoms, Alexia began to wonder what was the root…
Three and Vodafone: Potential Merger Volume 742: debated on Thursday 14 December 2023 Navendu Mishra Share this specific contribution "I am listening to the hon.…
'Eileen O'Connor, from the EM Radiation Research Trust, explains how the Government has pushed through the recent Energy Bill without proper consultation or careful regard for…
'STAMFORD – The Board of Representatives has rejected an agreement, brokered by the governor’s office, that set terms for allowing telecommunications carriers to install 5G…