Dear Drs. Baan, Straif, and Gaudin, The UK Radiation Research Trust formally gives notice objecting to the World Health Organisations misrepresentation of the IARC 2B…
Bio Electromagnetic Research Initiative Smart Meters Do You Have a New “Smart” Meter? Global Research
Smart energy meters offered to every British home could be as dangerous as a "bullet from a rifle" because of the radiation they emit, campaigners…
Today, the World Health Organization's (WHO) new monograph on cancer risk from mobile phones and other sources of RF radiation is featured on the home…
Watch the debate at Parliament Watch here
Children as young as four are becoming so addicted to smartphones and iPads that they require psychological treatment. Experts have warned that parents who allow…
by Dr. Stephen Sinatra As many of you know, I’ve long been concerned about Wi-Fi radiation in schools. In fact, I’m part of a Canadian…
Abstract Radiofrequency (RF) and microwave (MW) radiation have been used in the modern world for many years. The rapidly increasing use of cellular phones…
Is modern life making us ill? Yes, say those who suffer from electrosensitivity. Are they cranks, or should we all be throwing away our mobile…