Interesting information/advice contained within this paper.  Here are a few paragraphs:

‘There are “safety guidelines” initially proposed by ICNIRP, an organization set up by the industry and these ICNIRP safety guidelines have been adopted, sometimes with minor modifications, over much of the world. The ICNIRP and similar “safety guidelines” are all based on thermal effects produced over either a 6 min or 30 min period. However, as discussed above, biological effects are caused by electric forces or time-varying magnetic forces produced by electronically-generated EMFs, and are unrelated to thermal effect “safety guidelines”. It follows that all assurances of safety based on these “safety guidelines” have no scientific merit.

Pregnant women should not use cell phones, cordless phones, should avoid Wi-Fi fields, and should use wired connections to the internet, avoid Bluetooth, should not spend time near smart meters, cell phone towers, avoid high voltage powerlines, etc. Pregnant women should avoid being in buildings with high dirty electricity in their electric powerlines. Such avoidance is very challenging. A second choice is to use shielding to protect the fetus and the young baby after birth.’

‘In summary, there are ten different scientists or research groups that have each proposed that EMFs may be an important cause of the autism epidemic. Each of them is influenced by the parallel course of the autism epidemic with increasing EMF exposures in diverse populations, as well as by other considerations. Parallel increases suggest, but do not prove causation.’

Full paper available to download here: