Millstead Primary School, Everton Lliad St, Liverpool L5 3LU

Peak reading 1,554932  with the FM5 meter  (The highest peak level reading ever recorded in the UK with the FM5 meter)

Acousticom detected from 5,000 to 10,000 and between 2V/m to 4.50 V/m and reaching 6V/M at times.

The mast is 4G-LTE Vodafone and 02 use the mast and there is another one 75m away also 02. All 4LTE.   Substations next to the school and mast.

Go to  And put the postcode for the school in the search bar.  5G and 5G ultra is operating in this area along with 2G, 3G and 4G .

Fire Station, Netherton , Liverpool

Peak reached 317,000 µW/m²]

Acousticom detected between 2500 up to 10,000 µW/m².

B&Q  Aintree,  Wicks Car Park, Liverpool

Peak 183,000 µW/m².

Acousticom  between 1000 µW/m² to 5000 µW/m².  4.5V/m

Old Roan, Bleasdale Shops, Liverpool

Peak 224,000 µW/m².

Acousticom 2500 µW/m².

Cemetery Litherland, Liverpool

 Peak 40,000 µW/m².

Acousticom 2500 µW/m².


Tesco/Industrial Estate Formby , Liverpool 

 Peak 178,000 µW/m².

Acousticom 2500 µW/m² up to 5000 µW/m².

Tesco Sefton Road, Litherland, Liverpool

Peak 43,000 µW/m².

Download here: Phone mast readings July 2024 (002)

Download letter to public officials calling for a full investigation: The EM Radiation Research Trust call for immediate investigation into phone mast near Millstead Primary School following the deaths of two children – Radiation Research