Three UK Ltd was a company, dissolved in 2015, and does not appear to have been involved in telecommunications and should therefore not be used to sign a INCIRP certificate.  A non-existent company such as Three UK Limited cannot be held responsible in the future for any harm suffered by the public.  Who will therefore be held responsible for this oversight?

In 2013 Swiss Re, one of the world’s largest re-insurance companies, in their “Emerging Risks Insight” , classed the likelihood of the ‘overall impact’ of EMF as ‘High’ within a 10 year time frame”…

Some insurers will apparently provide “pollution cover” for EMF but only at extra cost.

By 2019 Swiss Re’s concern increased: the biological effects of EMF in general and 5G in particular are still being debated, potential claims for health impairments may come with a long latency”. In “5G off the leash”, Potential impact ‘HIGH’ within a 3 year time frame”… page 29 of “New Emerging Risks Insights”, 2019.

It is a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF – see section 10) to certify that the proposed equipment will be operated to be compliant with the Guideline exposure limits recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

On 7 February 2024 the Planning Ispectorate wrote: “… any issues regarding certificates or declarations would be a matter that the Council would have to deal with, as they would need to be satisfied with all of the documents before making any decisions.”

This statement seems to place the responsibility on the LPAs themselves. This is interesting since every time an LPA has the validity of the ICNIRP declaration queried they say it isn’t their job to check them, but Ofcom’s.  They now stand corrected.’ 

According to the same source of information the Planning Inspectorate have additionally confirmed on 7 March 2024: ‘It is the responsibility of the relevant LPAs to ensure any certificates submitted as evidence as part of the application are valid.’  RFInfo:

Further information about Three UK Ltd by Ian R Jarvis 27th October 2024. 

The language used in this document is plain English. Facts: with a few comments:

Three UK Limited IJarvis