Smartphone use leads to hallucinations, detachment from reality, aggression in teens as young as 13: Study

‘A staggering 37% of 13-year-olds reported experiencing aggression, compared with 27% of 17-year-olds.Frighteningly, 20% of 13-year-olds say they suffer from hallucinations, compared to 12% of 17-year-olds.

“Whereas today’s 17-year-olds typically got a phone at age 11 or 12, today’s 13-year-olds got their phones at age 10,” the report noted.

Respondents also reported they could pose a harm to themselves. 42% of American girls and 27% of boys aged 13 to 17 admitted to problems with suicidal thoughts.

The majority of teens polled said they had feelings of hopelessness, guilt, anxiety, and unwanted strange thoughts. More than 40% reported a sense of detachment from reality, mood swings, withdrawal, and traumatic flashbacks.’

Download New York Post news report here:   Smartphone use leads to hallucinations, detachment from reality, aggression in teens as young as 13: Study