From RFinfo UK Newsletter

Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system’  

Scope of government consultation: The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is seeking views on how we might revise national planning policy to support our wider objectives. Full details on the scope of consultation are found within Chapter 1. In responding to this consultation, we would appreciate comments on any potential impacts on protected groups under the Public Sector Equality Duty. 

Our response below describes why changes to the current NPPF are needed, under the PSED, and sets out our suggestions arising from campaign experience.


If time is short and you do not have time to compose your own response please EMAIL THIS STATEMENT to:

“I am not the Author of this document but fully support its content, and request your careful consideration. Policy 121/122 needs to be brought into alignment with European Electronics Communications Code legal obligations and include all matters identified in Appendix 2 of the EECC submission. ‘

Policy guidance must reflect an inclusion of those with Electrohypersensitvity and those with metal implants include hearing aids, pace-makers, joint replacements, dental fillings etc under the  ‘Public Sector Equality Duty. Thank you.’

 OR, if you have more time, please refer to the content of the document and answer the questions online by RESPONDING TO THE NPPF CONSULTATION ONLINE:

Download the document submitted by RFinfo NPPF consultation response-080924