Interesting paper on Intimidation against advocates and researchers by big industries. When will we ever learn?
This paper includes many references detailing what people have endured for telling the truth.
Remember the quote from Albert Einstein “The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm, but because of those who look at it without doing anything”.
Health Promot Int. 2024 Nov 21
Intimidation against advocates and researchers in the tobacco, alcohol and ultra-processed food spaces: a review
‘Advocates and researchers experienced intimidation which delayed, derailed and prevented regulation of UCIs across all country income groups and across all the examined sectors. Each type of intimidation led to adverse impacts on the work yet only little information is available on how it impacted the individuals intimidated. It is important for the global public health community to be aware of the ways in which they may be intimidated for their work so that they can develop resilience through support networks and tried and tested counter strategies. Information on how advocates and researchers responded to intimidation, while sparse, found that offensive action was associated with positive—although often delayed—policy outcomes. More work is needed to explore the relationship between the effectiveness of responses as ‘such an understanding may go some way to diffusing the effectiveness of the attacks’