EM Radiation Research Trust Director Eileen O’Connor, Dr Shirin Joseph, Mr Philip Palser, and Ian Jarvis met with Andrew Mitchell MP on 13th September 2024 to discuss concerns about 5G and the planning process with a call for Andrew Mitchell to write to the Minister responsible.
Photo features Eileen OConnor, Andrew Mitchell MP, Dr Shirin Joseph, Ian Jarvis and Philip Palser

We encourage everyone to submit concerns to the Planning Policy consultation before the deadline on 24th September 2024. Send to Email address: PlanningPolicyConsultation@communities.gov.uk PlanningPolicyConsultation@communities.gov.uk
Sent from the EM Radiation Research Trust to the Planning Policy Consultation Committee
For the attention of the Planning Policy Consultation Committee
I am writing to you about the open consultation regarding the changes to the National Planning Policy Framework. Whilst the consultation does not propose changes to Section 10 re: Telecommunications specifically, the enclosed information explains why changes to Policy paragraphs 121 and 122 are urgently needed.
Here is an example of a recent event that has been repeated throughout the UK.
Local residents are raising concerns over a 5G mast being constructed on Mere Green Road, Four Oaks. The mast is almost on the boundary of the primary school, and is on a busy pavement where children, young people, parents are walking to the school and the shops.
The initial application in 2022 was for a 20m high series of masts, which was rejected after 200 local residents and businesses signed a petition and both Dr Shirin Joseph and Eileen O’Connor sent letters of objection.
2022 Objection letter from Dr Shirin Joseph Radiation Research Trust Scientific Advisor
2022 Objection letter from Eileen O’Connor Director Radiation Research Trust
The application was resubmitted and refused again by Birmingham Planning on siting and visibility. However, the second application was then sent to the Planning Inspectorate Appeal and overturned. The 5G mast has recently been installed despite refusal from Birmingham planning not once but twice and objections from the local community.
When a Local Planning Authority refuses an application twice, with support from the community to do so, it is insidious when the process has been followed, that one person who doesn’t live in the local community can over-ride everyone else. The current National Planning Policy Framework review should address this as related to all types of application. Objections against this application wrote quite strongly against it being close to the school.
We would like to highlight the following facts:
- The ICNIRP certificate does not consider long-term biological effects.
Hensinger & Budzinski state:
The non-ionising radiation leads to oxidative cell stress, this is undisputed in science.
The ICNIRP limits are scientifically untenable.
The effects of non-ionising radiation on the metabolism in the organism have been proven by over a thousand studies. the protection of the population and of minorities with electro-hypersensitivity require a precautionary policy.
- Both the ICNIRP 1998 and 2020 Guidelines categorically state that there is a risk to certain individuals with metallic implants. A recent High Court case Thomas vs Cheltenham Borough Council ruled that there was a potential risk to people with medical implants below the ICNIRP limits and that this needs to be taken into account.
- Two legal rulings in the UK have set a legal precedent for those suffering with electro-hypersensitivity also known as microwave sickness. East Sussex County Council found that a child with EHS should be considered disabled under the Equality Act 2010 and ruled that the Council MUST secure special EHC Plan. In April 2024 Somerset County Council was put on notice that it must comply with its obligations concerning an electrosensitive person who was made homeless due to exposure to EMF radiation or it would be sanctioned.
- The current rollout of 5G along with increased 4G and the phasing out of 3G in parallel with small cells on street lights, bus-stops etc., ‘smart’ Street Hubs, are all policy and ‘the public’, we, should be able to challenge it equally.
- These issues illustrates that there needs to be a complete review of the NPPF and not just about homes.
It is imperative that those with metal implants include hearing aids, pace-makers, joint replacements, dental fillings etc and those suffering with electrosensitivity (EHS) are protected and accommodated within policy. It is a sector equality duty of care.
The EM Radiation Research Trust endorse all the suggestions in the enclosed submission: https://www.radiationresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/NPPF-consultation-response-080924.pdf
Yours sincerely,
Eileen O’Connor
Charity Director for the EM Radiation Research Trust
Website address: https://www.radiationresearch.org/