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(Image of gravel justice hammer copyright 2024 @Smokestack Images)
Founder of We are the Evidence Attorney Dafna Tachover “The public is misled to believe that this technology is safe but in fact it is not.”
Listen to the powerful message from Dafna Tachover here:–the-public-is-missled-to-believe-that-this-technology-is-safe-but-in-fact-it-is-not
Dafna working with Robert F Kennedy Jr’s CHD and the Environmental Health Trust together successfully won a case after presenting 11,000 pages of evidence. The Federal Court Ordered the FCC to explain why it ignored scientific evidence showing harm from wireless radiation.
Dafna Tachover and Robert F Kennedy Jr supported our charity the UK EM Radiation Research Trust with a powerful comment provided for our letter in April 2020 calling on Boris Johnson and the UK Government to protect children in the UK from 5G & wireless radiation. The EM Radiation Research Trust are still waiting to receive a response from the UK Government.

(The montage was created by Children’s Health Defense featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr and Eileen O’Connor Director EM Radiation Research Trust calling on Boris Johnson to Stop 5G)