Eileen O’Connor recently raised concerns with several Sefton councillors regarding the risks associated with 5G for Sefton residents and was informed by Cllr Byrom that evidence is less likely to be given credibility claiming that a hectoring attitude had not helped our case.  This meeting was filmed and is available for the public to view and draw their own conclusion.   The video and the official complaint submitted to the Council by Eileen OConnor on 1st July are available to download below along with a detailed letter/report of the meeting that was sent to council officials and interested parties on 6th June 2024.

1st July 2024

Complaint submitted by Eileen O’Connor to Sefton Council

Complaint against Councillor Leslie Byrom arises from a comment he made to me at the end of a private meeting following a Public Consultation and Engagement Panel meeting on Monday 3 June 2024. The private meeting was recorded, with permission from Cllr Byrom and Cllr Liz Dowd, who was also in attendance. The unabridged video can be viewed here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXUIoBLezDQ

The comment to which this complaint pertains is transcribed below (24 mins 30 into the video):

“I feel that the hectoring attitude you have taken into this meeting has not helped your case, and if you write to me, honestly, I’m less likely to give it credibility only in the way (please record this) that this has been conducted today.”

I contend that this statement breaches the Members’ Code of Conduct, in particular, the sections below:

General Principles

In undertaking my role:

  • I impartially exercise my responsibilities in the interests of the local community
  • I do not improperly seek to confer an advantage, or disadvantage, on any person

Appendix A – The Seven Principles of Public Life


Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.

Cllr Byrom’s description of my attitude at the meeting as “hectoring” is a purely subjective judgement. Others who have viewed the video have strongly disagreed with this descriptor, and have suggested adjectives such as “passionate”, “robust”, “well-informed” instead. Cllr Byrom is of course entitled to his opinion, but it is my contention that, as a councillor for his local community, he is not entitled to give any evidence I submit to him less “credibility” on the basis of his perception of the manner in which my arguments at the meeting were conveyed. Cllr Byrom’s explicit statement of intent in this regard represents a breach of the ‘impartiality’ clauses of the Members’ Code of Conduct, which prohibits councillors from improperly conferring a disadvantage on any person, and requires councillors to act and take decisions “without discrimination or bias”.

Complaint submitted by Eileen O’Connor to Sefton Council 

6th June 2024 – EM Radiation Research Trust letter sent to officials following the meeting regarding the councils lack of public engagement along with serious concerns about 5G.
