How many people living in Liverpool know that they are part of the 5G research project within the Kensington area of  Liverpool using unlicensed 60Ghz frequencies ?

The Liverpool City testbed zone boasts the largest 5G mesh network in the UK and the second largest in the world.

Case study Liverpool 5G Testbed – report UK Government

A paper published by the School of Computer Science and Mathematics; Liverpool John Moore’s University is featured on the  Liverpool 5G website:

This paper is demonstrating research in the Kensington area of Liverpool using  60Ghz unlicensed frequencies.

Modelling and Analysis of Performance Characteristics in a 60 Ghz 802.11ad Wireless Mesh Backhaul Network for an Urban 5G Deployment. Researchers state:

“The aim of this deployment is to support a range of social and healthcare applications for the community, from simple health sensor and monitoring services through to VoIP, full HD or 4 K streaming for remote consultations and (potentially) low latency VR tools.” 60Ghz also allows very high data rate communication in applications such as video conferencing, media streaming, and gaming.”

Note Point 3 within the paper 👉  “Communication in the 60 Ghz Band The use of the 60 GHz frequency for wireless communication goes back to 2001 when the US regulator (FCC) adopted rules for unlicensed operations in the 57 to 64 GHz band for commercial and public use. Modelling and Analysis of Performance Characteristics in a 60 Ghz 802.11ad Wireless Mesh Backhaul Network for an Urban 5G Deployment (”


Question from the EM Radiation Research Trust 

Is Liverpool and Sefton Council and the researchers of this article published by John Moore’s University aware that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) received a court order requiring the FCC to consider thousands of scientific studies to justify its outdated wireless radiation exposure guidelines – that have not been updated in over 28 years?

On Friday 13th August 2021 in the USA Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s Children’s Health Defense and the Environmental Health Trust successfully sued the FCC for ignoring 11,000 pages of scientific and medical evidence showing biological effects, so we can no longer rely on industry or government assurances of safety. The documents are available to download here:

American Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr supported the EM Radiation Research Trust in May 2020 in a letter calling on Boris Johnson and political leaders to protect the public from the proven harms of wireless radiation and 5G. Here is a direct quote from RFK Jr in support of our charity.


“Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Chairman of CHD, and Dafna Tachover, Director of CHD’s 5G & Wireless Harms project support the UK EM Radiation Research Trust in their call on the UK Government to defend the rights and health of UK citizens and especially children from Big Telecom’s scheme to rollout 5G. The harms of radio-frequencies and microwave-based technologies have been proven scientifically and the harms are existing and widespread. We work daily with children who have been injured from this technology including from 5G small cell installations. The UK’s ICNIRP based guidelines, just like the US’s FCC, are decades obsolete and false. ICNIRP is an industry shell and its scientists are tainted as has been confirmed by Courts. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr calls on Prime Minister Boris Johnson and political leaders to protect those who have been harmed already by this radiation and prevent further harm. We must stop the uncontrolled proliferation of wireless technology and the on-going deployment of 5G, which will exponentially increase exposure to this harmful radiation and consequently, the sickness of children, adults and the ecosystem.”

Details here: