Biophysical mechanism of animal magnetoreception, orientation and navigation

.We describe a biophysical mechanism for animal magnetoreception, orientation and navigation in the geomagnetic field (GMF), based on the ion forced oscillation (IFO) mechanism in animal cell membrane voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs) (IFO-VGIC mechanism). We review previously suggested hypotheses. We describe the structure and function of VGICs and argue that they are the most sensitive electromagnetic sensors in all animals. We consider the magnetic force exerted by the GMF on a mobile ion within a VGIC of an animal with periodic velocity variation. We apply this force in the IFO equation resulting in solution connecting the GMF intensity with the velocity variation rate. We show that animals with periodic velocity variations, receive oscillating forces on their mobile ions within VGICs, which are forced to oscillate exerting forces on the voltage sensors of the channels, similar or greater to the forces from membrane voltage changes that normally induce gating. Thus, the GMF in combination with the varying animal velocity can gate VGICs and alter cell homeostasis in a degree depending, for a given velocity and velocity variation rate, on GMF intensity (unique in each latitude) and the angle between velocity and GMF axis, which determine animal position and orientation.’