

5G In 5 Minutes – A Quick Look at Health and Safety Hazards of 5G Technology.

Premiered on 25 Feb 2019

‘So what is 5G? On a basic level, it’s an enormous jump in processing speed for mobile internet — up to 20 times faster than 4G. The telecom industry is actively promoting and marketing 5G (or 5th Generation) Technology and the Internet of Things with glossy ads and television commercials, promising 5G will bring enhanced communications, jobs, and an economic boost to our cities and our nation. Researchers, physicists, biologists and physicians argue, however, that there are health, safety, environmental, privacy, security and energy use issues that have not been addressed before the widespread rollout. Scientists predict a biological, environmental and even a societal disruption resulting from this technology that will be difficult or impossible to reverse. Trying to understand the consequences over the benefits of this new technology is difficult and can be confusing as commercials in the media continue to point only to perceived benefits of 5G. 5G in 5 minutes offers a cohesive single message in a short time that tells while there are some benefits to this new technology, the health and safety ramifications far outweigh any of the perceived benefits.’