Barrie Trower speaking on 5G at the Exeter Phoenix Theater in February 2020. This includes some very important updates on the current situation. Video footage…
Cellular Podcast, by Kevin Kunze (Director/Editor of 'Mobilize'), and Ellie Marks (California Brain Tumor Association) 4 episodes now available - can be downloaded.
On 23 November 2022, to review recent advances in knowledge, ANSES and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) will be hosting a scientific…
In a ruling issued on August 26, 2022, the judges of the 9th Circuit affirmed that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations prevail in the lawsuit against Apple…
The Light Newspaper - September, 2022 edition includes: Medical surveillance Smartphones a stepping stone to humanity’s slavery Digital Weapons For A Silent War Smart technology…
"In conclusion, our study suggested that more time spent on electronic devices use had a modest reduction effect on semen quality. Daily calling time was…
Comment within the Forbes magazine article DeBaun: "A preponderance of evidence in science that shows RF's impact on the human cell and how the cell…
What You Need to Know about Wireless Technology by Arthur Firstenberg President, Cellular Phone Task Force First published September 2001 Revised August 2022 SOME BIOLOGICAL…
THE BIOINITIATIVE REPORT 2012 A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF) Updated 2014 - 2022 Henry Lai’s Research Summaries…
On Saturday, August 12, 2022, the associations Phonegate Alert, Robin des toits and ECERI challenged, before the competent administrative court, the modalities of the public consultation as well as…