682 Studies Diagnose:funk https://www.emfdata.org/en 'Diagnose:funk is an environmental and consumer protection organization dedicated to protecting against electromagnetic fields and radiation. It is the goal…
Environment International Volume 190, August 2024, 108807 Correspondence COSMOS: A methodologically-flawed cohort study of the health effects from exposure to radiofrequency radiation from mobile phone use…
Never forget this report 18th April 2007 Ecologist 'A study which directly linked the radiation from mobile phone transmitter masts with an increased risk of developing…
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He said: "We're being poisoned and that is what we ought to be focusing on." "Cell phone radiation is bad for…
Parent poll on smartphones — March 2024 'Following the government’s guidance for mobile phones in schools issued on 19th February 2024, backing headteachers in prohibiting the…
HOW WE CAN WIN - But you're not going to like it 'Re-upload from a 2019 video showing how the Totalitarians are building the digital…
'The Cosmos study on health risks from mobile phone use was initially funded by the telecommunications companies Ericsson,Telia, Telenor, Nokia, Elisa. MMF and British telecom…
The Mental State of the World in 2023 A Perspective on Internet-Enabled Populations A Publication of the Global Mind Project March 4, 2024 UK is…
'There is a growing interest in natural law, personal empowerment and spiritual enlightenment—all good stuff that should already be an integral part of our lives.…
The worries of Electric and Magnetic Fields Richard Vobes "I called it frequency in the video, but fields is what I mean. How safe do…