www.wifiinschools.com Dr. Henry Lai, from the University of Washington, gives a talk on the genetic effects of cell phones and Radiofrequency radiation
Environment and Human Health, Inc. (EHHI) today released a new report calling for tougher standards to regulate cellular technologies—especially for children and pregnant women. The…
With a young child and a jet-setting wife, Orlando Bloom needs to be available to take calls at the drop of a hat. Perhaps that's…
Delhi government asks Centre to frame rules for mushrooming cell towers Read more: Here
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Please see attached paper from Chairman of Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Professor Yury Grigoriev. View PDF
Mobile phone health risks, read the actual report: Download PDF MobileWise’s report Mobile phone health risks: the case for action to protect children details evidence…
Reports from UK newspapers: Over 200 academic studies link the devices to life-threatening conditions, including brain tumours http://www.marieclaire.co.uk/news/health/532463/mobile-phones-could-be-a-health-time-bomb.html http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/282592/Health-alert-for-children-who-use-mobile-phones http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2059223/Mobile-phones-health-time-bomb-studies-link-use-illnesses.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8878467/Call-for-mobile-phone-health-warnings-despite-inconclusive-evidence.html
Örjan Hallberg1* and L Lloyd Morgan2 Download PDF here
Abstract Case-control studies on adults point to an increased risk of brain tumours (glioma and acoustic neuroma) associated with the long-term use of mobile phones.…