The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to throw out a number of class-action lawsuits that challenge radiation emissions from cell phones. With Chief Justice John…
A long-term study has been launched in Australia in an attempt to discover whether children are at higher risk than adults from radiation emitted by…
The “Wishaw” papers relate to concerns raised by Eileen O’Connor about the possible health effects of exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation arising from the use…
PLANS to build a 25ft high mobile phone mast near Reeds School have been rejected. Source: Protesters win mast battle - Get Surrey
Prolonged use of mobile phones can lead to permanent eye damage including cataracts, scientists believe. Source: Mobile phones can trigger eye damage, fear scientists -…
The International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) is a non-profit organization that promotes research to protect public health from electromagnetic fields and develops the scientific…
Children born close to high-voltage overhead power lines are more likely to be diagnosed with leukaemia, according to the results of a major Government-funded study…
A major study into the safety of phone masts is being carried out by scientists at the University of Essex. Dr Rod Williams is among…
Nokia has forecast that more than 70m people will own a third-generation mobile phone by the end of the year. Source: Nokia forecasts 3G surge…