Couple who couldn't conceive stunned when doctors revealed husband's LAPTOP was cooking his sperm · Couple, both 30, visited doctors after trying to conceive for…
Susan Foster 19 October 18:17 Italian courts set a precedent and it is simply a matter of time before other courts follow. Cell phones can…
Singer Sheryl Crow says spending time on an older cell phone may have caused her brain tumor.
Please Read enclosed Letters on wifi and Children to Dr Kendall, Health Canada Yaakov Litzman asks education minister to halt installation of wireless internet due…
Could the guys in the tinfoil hats be right? As society's dependence on wireless technologies grows, the concern that there are health risks attached to…
Aug 01,2012 00:00 by KWANELE DHLADHLA MBABANE - Taiwanese legislators ordered the removal of 1 500 mobile phone masts stating that homes and schools…
(NaturalNews) It is well known that many people are sensitive to electromagnetic pollution. Wi-fi gives them headaches. Being near high-voltage power lines can bring on…
From Mona Nilsson, plus the machine translation correction: Wireless networks a major health risk To argue as the Swedish Radiation Protection authority that the levels…
Mobile phone giants plans to axe 2,000 masts: Working together to share networks (... and save money) Plans by telecom giants Vodafone and O2 to…
From Henrik Eiriksson has been hard at work translating an article by award-winning Norwegian investigative journalist Thomas Ergo about what really happened behind the…