Controversial plans to put up a 20-metre tall 5G mast in a Norwich street have been rejected, to the delight of neighbours who had opposed…
Farragut Tennessee has approved a resolution calling on state and federal governments to halt 5G until health risks are evaluated by “sound science.” Source: Farragut…
The mast was described as "unsightly"' and "detrimental" to the look of the area Source: 5G mast rejected as council says plans would harm regeneration…
An Atlanta attorney claims Verizon Wireless sent subcontractors to his neighborhood in a "corporate invasion" that aims to build a 5G tower in his yard,…
When 11-year-old David's mother was officially diagnosed with microwave sickness, he and the family did everything they could to eliminate the causes, but it wasn’t…
While selling 5G technology to the public as a means for faster downloads, Big Wireless -- comprising a web of telecom companies, lobbyists and law…
Worldwide schools and governments are taking action to reduce levels of wireless in classrooms. Source: Tech News: Amid 5G Concerns, The US And Europe Need…
The head of the health service has accused internet firms of "cashing in" on addiction, as he announced NHS plans to treat children with disorders…
Thousands of people protested in the Swiss capital Bern Saturday over the roll-out of a 5G wireless technology across the country, which they fear could…
District Court Judge Alsup amazed agency would be “that dumb.” The recently released Federal Communications Commission (FCC) report on cell phone radiation relied on obsolete…