Please find Link to ES-UK Newsletter: Spring 2024 ES-UK Newsletter
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity A Summary by Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe 'For printing purposes: The first 1-7 pages are body text, the rest are references. This document consists…
Letter: If You Think The Government Is Protecting You Against Radio Frequency Radiation… Think Again
May 15, 2024 Regarding the recent cell tower controversy. If you think the government is protecting you against radio frequency radiation… think again. We…
From Pittsfield Cell Tower Concerned Citizens "RIP Maria. We will say your name. We will share your story. Trigger warning- the following has been written by…
Presentation about Electrosensitivity by EM Radiation Research Trust Chairman Mr Brian Stein CBE at the 2018 Glastonbury Symposium 'In this presentation, campaigner and ex-company CEO…
Published 2024 Authors: Anna Mölter, Hamed Jalilian, Martin Röösli, Frank de Vocht and Francesco Pilla Summary: 'Major electricity infrastructure, such as high-voltage power lines, transformer…
Powerful interview - Dr Carlos Sosa talks about electrosensitivity with Glynn Hughes of the EMF Health Academy February 2024 Listen here: Dr. Carlos Sosa is…
He had been suffering from headaches which he claims were due to electro-sensitivity triggered by the Linky [smart] meter 27 December 2023 By Richard Henshell A…
DECEMBER 12, 2023 Washington, D.C. – Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) lead Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and Wireless litigator Scott W. McCollough filed a complaint today against Verizon and other wireless…
New paper written by Dr. Carlos Sosa M.D. & Dr. Pedro Sierra M.D. RADIOFREQUENCY DISEASE- FINAL INTERNET VERSION In Memoriam, Dr. William J. Rea Background…