'Take Back Your Power' is a hard-hitting documentary feature film
Airport ditches controversial bodyscanners Daily Telegraph 17 Sep 2012 A total of 13 backscatter X-ray machines are being ditched because they have not been given…
Singer Sheryl Crow says spending time on an older cell phone may have caused her brain tumor.
Evidence prepared by Dr Isaac Jamieson for the RRT Smart Meter Communications & Privacy click here Have your say Draft Communications Data Bill: http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/joint-select/draft-communications-bill/news/call-for-evidence
Please Read enclosed Letters on wifi and Children to Dr Kendall, Health Canada Yaakov Litzman asks education minister to halt installation of wireless internet due…
Professor Yury Grigoriev calls for order and the world needs to listen: "Man conquered the Black Plague, but he has created new problems - EMF…
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July 9, 2012 The Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith agrees to present Russian Research on wireless technology to UK Chief Medical Officer Research on the…
Organized by the Popular Unity bloc was held in the annex building of the Chamber of Deputies a public hearing to discuss the effects they…