New research indicates that brain cancer risk increases with more years of cell phone and cordless phone use and more hours of use. Dr. Lennart…
Energy and Climate Change Committee Written evidence submitted by John Weigel (SMR78) 1. For numerous reasons, the work of Nikola Tesla has been suppressed due…
Health campaigners have warned of a ‘ticking time-bomb’ after it was claimed that a million children have been given mobile phones at around the age…
Public notice from WiFi in Schools Australia: Published on Aug 17, 2013 "Our new video is now available our website also below" This video follows the…
Paul Héroux has a problem. He believes he has identified a way to control the growth of cancer cells, but he can't get his ideas…
Whether cellphone use causes cancer is an ongoing question with, as yet, incomplete answers. But a new study may shed light on the subject with…
More suited to a sci-fi flick than reality, a startling epidemic of young people with smartphone-addled brains is on the rise, and the long-term consequences…
RESONANCE is a phenomenal eye-opening documentary that reveals the harm we are doing by existing in an ocean of man-made wireless frequencies. Please sign Continue…
Gro Harlem Brundtland very rarely uses a cell phone, contrary to the impression promoted by the Norwegian Minister of Health that she is no longer…
DIRECTIVE 2013/35/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 June 2013 on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of…