Figures suggest that IT now generates as much CO2 as flying, with some arguing it's nearly double. Source: Dirty streaming: The internet's big secret -…
A few weeks ago, the president of Switzerland and her counsel received a serious letter. The authors were a number of the world's foremost scientists…
Santa Barbara City Council reverses course and decides to delay vote on Verizon licensing agreement. View article here: Council Hits ‘Big Fat Pause Button’ on…
Apple will pay up to USD 500 million to settle a case in the US, where consumers accused the company in a class action lawsuit…
Update 29-2: In Switzerland, municipalities and cantons are battling against providers and the federal government that has auctioned the broadcasting licenses. The municipalities and cantons…
Excerpt:A few weeks ago, the president of Switzerland and her counsel received a serious letter. The authors were a number of the world's foremost scientists…
Camilla Rees of, Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications and the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy presented at Topanga, CA recently on…