Children’s Health Defense (CHD) submitted a legal notice to the FCC against the OTARD rule expansion, signed by over 15,000 people. At 735 pages, it…
We are pro-technology. We challenge the UK government’s current policy on 5G and EMFs. The government uses ICNIRP’s radiation standards which do not, in particular,…
"Brian Stein shares his healing journey, how he deals with EMFs & what it's like living with electrical sensitivity. He talks about the upcoming EMF…
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The Radiation Research Trust would like to thank one of our scientific advisors for providing an Analysis of 5G for the UK. Download Here
The Senate of Nigeria has directed the Federal Government to suspend the planned deployment of the Fifth Generation Network until the issue of health and…
Abstract Since 2009, we built up a database which presently includes more than 2000 electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and/or multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) self-reported cases. Source: Electrohypersensitivity…