Conclusion In the current circumstances, it seems that the scientific experts in the field are very clear about the serious problems we are facing and…
8 out of 10 published studies on phone masts reported increased prevalence of adverse neurobehavioral symptoms or cancer in populations living at distances < 500…
Comment within the Forbes magazine article DeBaun: "A preponderance of evidence in science that shows RF's impact on the human cell and how the cell…
EMFields Solutions 'Our most powerful radiofrequency (RF) / microwave detector yet Suitable for 5G measurements (see "Further Information" tab below) Very fast response time with…
News from INDIA One of the biggest worries flagged in Europe is that exposure to some of the frequencies used for 5G technology could possibly…
Here is a link to the letter of objection from Eileen O’Connor on behalf of the UK EM Radiation Research Trust Email for the attention…
Frank Clegg challenges a Roger’s president Dean Prevost to show evidence that the radiation emitted by wireless 5G is safe because many peer reviewed scientific…
'New precedent setting ruling: UK child with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity to be accommodated with educational low EMF environment Statements from parents, child and excerpts from 3…
Databases on the biological effects of electromagnetic waves in general: Review of the scientific literature on EHS, by Physicians for Safe Technology: Scientific…
THE BIOINITIATIVE REPORT 2012 A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF) Updated 2014 - 2022 Henry Lai’s Research Summaries…