In February, telecom executives gave congressional testimony that they had NO scientific evidence that 5G is safe… by B.N. Frank via SHTFPlan This article was…
We can’t ignore how potentially intrusive deployment of internet infrastructure will affect our cities. View article here: Opinion: Cities should decide how and where 5G…
The EM Radiation Research Trust are the calling for an outright ban for risky untested 5G technology in response to the UK Government’s consultation calling…
With global protests against 5G implementation scheduled for Jan. 25, some local residents are concerned about the alleged health impacts of the new technology as…
The expansion of 5G small cells being pushed in Australia now will require thousands of new multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) antennas to support the carefully cultivated…
this trial has stirred up debate in the ICT community regarding its health risks Source: ICT Minister Masiu halts 5G trials amid health risk debate…
How are cell towers similar to DDT, an insecticide infamous for its environmental impacts? It’s a good question. On Dec. 8, about 90 local residents…
Michael Wyde, Ph.D., analyzed the latest generation of cellular technology and its potential human health effects. Source: Environmental Factor - January 2020: NTP scientist weighs…
Check 5G coverage on all networks with one easy click. Find out which networks have launched 5G in your area, or when it is scheduled…
Science on the health risks of wireless radiation has been accumulating for decades. Heedless of the dangers, government and the telecommunications (“telecom”) industry continue to…