"MPs launch an inquiry into Broadband and road to 5G to examine Government’s pledge to ensure every home and business in the UK has gigabit-capable…
The Dutch Stop5G group, Stop5GNetherlands, filed an injunction against the Dutch State on February 25, 2020, invoking an emergency procedure to stop the rollout of…
About this inquiry The Committee will inquire into the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia Inquiry home page Terms of Reference Media Releases…
Australia’s parliamentary inquiry into 5G, which was announced in September 2019 with submissions due at the beginning of November 2019, continues to trundle on. Over…
Russian mobile operators will not be able to use the frequencies that they already have for the deployment of 5G networks, Bankir.ru reports. The State…
Controversial plans for a phone mast in a Sheffield suburb have now been scrapped after dozens of complaints from nearby residents. View article here: Plans…
A Rights-Based Ordinance to Protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of Residents of [Town or County Name], [State Name] By Establishing A Bill of Rights;…
A few weeks ago, the president of Switzerland and her counsel received a serious letter. The authors were a number of the world's foremost scientists…
Santa Barbara City Council reverses course and decides to delay vote on Verizon licensing agreement. View article here: Council Hits ‘Big Fat Pause Button’ on…