5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and…
Mobile phone mast fires are being investigated amid conspiracy theories claiming a link between 5G and coronavirus. There have been fires at masts in Birmingham,…
SUMMARY The fifth generation of telecommunications technologies, 5G, is fundamental to achieving a European gigabit society by 2025. The aim to cover all urban areas,…
Radiofrequency (RF) radiation in the frequency range of 30 kHz-300 GHz is classified as a ‘possible’ human carcinogen, Group 2B, by the International Agency for…
If living beings have always been exposed to natural electromagnetic fields, and their bodies produce electric currents as well, why is there a growing concern…
On March 2020, EMF Safety Network, Ecologcal Options Network and Environmental Health Trust sent a letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom calling for Safe Wired…
Small Cell Tower In Front of Homes March 19, 2020: Wisconsin citizens, like Charyl Zehfus of Sheboygan, are pushing back against the 5G (Fifth Generation)…
The Government of Slovenia has stopped the implementation of 5G technology, the media in the region report. View article here: eKapija | Slovenia stops implementation…
Defense Secretary Mark Esper has asked the FCC to deny a Virginia wireless company's license to provide 5G mobile broadband service out of "national security,…