👉 Comments by 19-MARCH-2025
PLEASE WRITE – this is less than 30m away from the nearest property.  Would you care for this on YOUR doorstep????
  • PLANNING APPEAL APP/Q4245/W/25/3359140
  • Original Application = 113613/TEL/24 (TRAFFORD)
  • Kings Road Old Trafford Manchester M16 7RS
Installation of 20m streetpole, radio base station supporting 6 no. antennas, 3 no. RRUs and ancillary development thereto including 2 no. equipment cabins and GPS module. (Notification for prior approval under Part 16 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015).
  •  Input 113613/TEL/24
 How to object
  • And input “3359140”
  • You can either input your objection within the comment box or as an attachment.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Note: no hyperlinks are allowed. You can, however, refer to research. Just do not include “https” or “www”.
  • Mention APPEARANCE and SITING first THEN health and other issues.
  • The site is on a triangular grass verge at the junction of Kings Road and Upper Chorlton Road.
  • The area is predominantly residential.
  • The application is for improved 2G,3G and 4G as well as new 5G.
Some points of note
(1) Telecoms installations are overbearing and unnerving. For many people, they cause anxiety and stress.
(2) The impact of this proposal on the health and well-being of residents is a material planning consideration, which includes the fear and anxiety of harm.
(3) Within 500m of 2 nurseries – Early Days Day Nursery (90m) and Honeybear Nursery (230m). Children are particularly vulnerable to EMFs. The closest residential property is about 30m away!!!
(4) Well within 500m of residential property and several churches.
(5) Children are deemed “sensitive receptors” at school, and this should apply at home too. Elderly individuals are also vulnerable.
(6) The 8 real-life 5G case studies which show serious harm to those who live / work close to 5G masts. This is a public safety issue.
(7) The distance of 500m is of particular interest after the New Hampshire Commission (now a Bill) recommended a setback of this distance for telecoms installations.
  • (😎 ICNIRP guidelines (2020) specifically exclude those individuals with metal in their body or an active medical device. The Guidelines state that people with “implantable medical devices” and “metallic implants” in the body are “outside the scope of these guidelines”.
  • (Examples of metal in the body include metal pins, plates, rods, discs, screws (hip/knee replacements) Cardiovascular – implantable heart loop recorders, stents and pacemakers. Implants to treat and monitor health conditions, deliver drugs or to restore bodily functions e.g. diabetes related products. Magnetic cerebral spinal fluid shunts. Cochlear implants for hearing loss. Dental work – braces, implants, metal crowns, pins, denture arches, mercury amalgam fillings.)