Download a template letter and information from Ian R Jarvis of Wolves 5G Action Group on how to demand the removal of phone masts that are non-compliant. Send to planning and your local council.
From the document.
‘General Permitted Development Rights To apply for a telecoms application to be determined under Prior Approval (GPDO), a Mobile Network Operator (MNO) must be listed on the Ofcom “Register of persons with powers under the Electronic Communications Code”.
Declaration of ICNIRP Compliance In addition to that requirement, all operating telecoms masts must comply with emissions guidelines from the International Commission on Non-Ionizing (sic) Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
Steps must be taken immediately by LPAs to identify all related issues and questions, identify non-compliant masts, deactivate and remove them.’
Download here: Template for sharing Action v2a
Also watch the Richard Vobes interview with Ian Jarvis