Updated 9/2/23

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5th Generation (5G) Telecommunications Uses Gigahertz (GHz) Millimeter Sized Wavelengths

The Telecommunications Industry promises fast, ubiquitous and unlimited mobile internet access with the next generation of 5G technologies by 2020, along with removal of cheap, secure and safer landlines. This 5G network is designed to provide faster downloads, streaming movies, wireless virtual reality, in addition to being the platform for the Internet of Things, whereby all our household devices are connected to this system wirelessly for remote control. While there may be limited medical applications, 5G will mainly be used for more immersive entertainment, surveillance and data mining with much greater public exposure, especially in “Smart Cities”.

Military uses have also been discussed. This 5th generation (5G) system will add high frequency electromagnetic radiation with Gigahertz (GHz) wavelengths in the millimeter range utilizing beam steering technology, along with low and mid band frequencies used n 2G, 3G and 4G communications. These high frequency tiny wavelengths penetrate only the outer layer of the skin, unlike 2G, 3G and 4G technology which passes through the body.  Major health concerns with exposure to 5G are to skin, eye and adverse systemic metabolic signaling through skin sensors, as well as heat effects. In a the March 2020 European Parliament Briefing on health effects of 5G they admit that the “European Commission has not yet conducted studies on the potential health risks of the 5G technology.”

Continue reading https://mdsafetech.org/5g-telecommunications-science/?