New Study commissioned by Environmental Health Trust (EHT)  Cellphones and Your Blood: What You Need to Know

New Study: Blood Cells Clumping in Real Time

“Our findings make it clear that, at least in some people, cell phone radiation can lead to observable changes in blood, with potential risks such as reduced oxygen delivery and an increased risk for developing blood clots,” Dr. Brown said.

Even when not being used, Smartphones are constantly emitting RF radiation trying to connect to wifi, bluetooth, nearest masts, etc This study shows rouleaux formation in blood after 5 mins exposure to an inactive/idle mobile phone.

‘The phone’s Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular data antennas were all turned on, but the phone was otherwise inactive and idle. No calls or text messages were received during the 5-min time interval. Note however that even when a phone is not being used to make a call or send a text, devices continually update apps that require uploading and downloading from cellular network’

‘In this study, we exposed the popliteal fossa of the lower extremity to 5 min of radiation from a common iPhone. But we further hypothesize the phenomenon will occur when a phone is placed in a front pocket, and importantly, when held up to the head, affecting the cerebral vasculature in susceptible individuals. Furthermore, the presence of rouleaux in the contralateral extremity as documented during our third study, suggests the red blood cell aggregation becomes a systemic process.’

(Some smartphones also still transmit signals and emit radiation even when on airplane mode or turned off)

Read more here:  Cellphones and Your Blood: What You Need to Know
Read study here:  Hypothesis: ultrasonography can document dynamic in vivo rouleaux formation due to mobile phone exposure