The EM Radiation Research Trust is sad hearing about the death of Lloyd Morgan.  He was a kind man with a brilliant mind and a heart of gold. He was a true gentleman. Lloyd was an Electronics Engineer from the USA, and he was a dear friend. Lloyd dedicated his time researching EMF risks after surviving from a brain tumour.

He was a scientific advisor for the EM Radiation Research Trust
Short CV:
And fellow Board Member for the International EMF Alliance

He gave one of the most powerful presentations on brain tumours and cell phones for our charity the EM Radiation Research Trust conference at The Royal Society in London in 2008

Lloyd was the Primary Author for the report  Cell phones and Brain Tumours, 15 Reasons for Concern, Science, Spin and the Truth about Interphone:

Photograph of EM Radiation Research Trust scientific advisor Lloyd Morgan and EM Radiation Research Trust Director Eileen O’Connor 2010 presentations at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco.  Video and slides featuring Lloyd’s presentation at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco available here:

Photograph taken at the Palace of Westminster, London for EM Radiation Research Trust 2008 Conference dinner.  Lloyd Morgan on the front row and other great people who are sadly no longer with us such as the late Professor Yury Grigoriev, Dr Ian Gibson MP and Professor Mike O’Carroll. May they all rest in peace. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 Here is a link to presentations:


May Lloyd Morgan’s soul rest in peace and may his tremendous work continue to live on. 🙏

Eileen O’Connor
Charity Director for the EM Radiation Research Trust
Website address:
Board Member International EMF Alliance
Website address: