May 20, 2024

Devra Davis PHD MPH, President of Environmental Health Trust was interviewed by Full Measure’s Sharyl Attkisson, a five-time Emmy award investigative reporter on the U.S. government’s decision to halt further research in cell phone radiation.

The article also features Professor of Radiology Christopher Collins, who Attkinsson reports has been a paid consultant to the wireless industry.

Watch the Full Measure Report that was released May 19, 2024

U.S. Government Ceased Research on Wireless Health Effects 

In the interview, Dr. Davis informed viewers that this year the National Toxicology Program (NTP) of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) announced that it will no longer study the issue of cell phone radiofrequency (RF) radiation, despite its previous research that found “clear evidence” of cancer and DNA damage.

NTP scientists had previously stated in their cell phone radiation fact sheet that they were conducting follow-up research which would:

  • determine the impact of RFR exposure on behavior and stress, including the real-time assessment of activity and response to system-generated noise and RFR signals.
  • conduct physiological monitoring, including evaluation of heart rate.
  • investigate whether RFR induces heating.
  • further evaluate whether RFR exposure causes DNA damage.

However, the NTP now states that:

  • Yes. NIEHS scientists conducted follow-up research to better understand some of the findings seen in the earlier RFR rodent studies
  • A novel small-scale RFR exposure system was developed. The researchers tested the new exposure system using in vivo rodent studies.
  • The research was technically challenging and more resource-intensive than expected. No additional RFR studies are planned.

Full Measure had also featured an investigation on 5G Technology in 2019 entitled 5G Whiz.